Wednesday, 30 November 2011

To The Men

So, after a long consideration, I finally have a blog post for the men. It took me some time to think of this as I have a little bit of a bias in the men's favour. Just a little one. Putting that bias aside, however, I finally have the perfect message to give out to the guys:

Stop being assholes.

Ok, so that's not the real message but I honestly couldn't help myself with that one. So original, I know. Anyhow, let's try this again. My message for the guys is:

Have some hutzpah to you.

Let me explain. Many of the guys I know are considered the "nice guy" type. They're funny, they're sweet, they care, they put the effort in. They have their close circles of friends whom they treat very well, have their shit together in life, bla bla bla. However, many of them are single. Why is that? Well, because they fall into the Friend Zone and it's because they are too nice. Guys, you have to put yourselves out there. Nice guys rarely ever approach the girl (in my observations). It's all left to chance or letting the chick make the move. That's all well and good to do every once in a while but not for every single potential chick that comes along! Sure, you can be a nice guy but be a nice guy who takes initiative! Walk up to that woman! Get her number! Ask her out! Take her out on a date! Don't fall into the Friend Zone time and again only to wonder why you keep ending up there.

Of course, we women have to take some onus towards the whole Friend Zone thing. We definitely help with that (sorry). However, men have to help themselves here too. Sure, you're a great guy. Awesome. Good on you. You've gone above and beyond the millions of jackasses that exist in this world. What have you done with that good guy status for yourself? Proven that "nice guys finish last". Prove it wrong! The worst that could happen is you get some women who say no. Alright, let them say no. We've already established you're the nice guy so they're missing out, right? You're going to get no's before you finally get a yes and hey, who knows what that yes will turn into? It'll either be heavenly bliss or a fiery hell but the point is that you tried.

Just to reiterate, I'm not saying don't be a nice guy anymore. Do that. We women love the nice guys (deep down we really, really do). Don't be disillusioned for our going for the bad boys. It's just an image thing. We really do want that heart of gold and if you have it why hide it? Why shy away from letting it shine? It can be intimidating, yea, but if no one took chances then no one would get together, right? Last thing we need is all of humankind acting like the dating game is a high school dance where everyone just awkwardly stares at each other from across the gym.

So get out there, nice guys! Do your thing! Get your woman! If she says no, don't let it hurt you. Another woman will come along who is thrilled that a nice guy is taking initiative. Of course, this doesn't apply to all nice guys. There are quite a few go-getters. This is just from my observations which is a very narrow view. That being said, GET TO IT! I want to see dancing and grinding in this gym by New Year's end!

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