Thursday, 15 September 2011

Photog Friday 1

Anyone who knows me knows that I dabble in photography here and there. Not many know just how deeply I do so. It's a hobby that I enjoy very much but that I don't indulge in very often. When I do, however, it's a thrill and a half. I've a long ways to go in learning more about technique and lighting and angles and all sorts of stuff but the way I see it, I have a lifetime to do so. 

Since I started this blog, I wondered how I could incorporate my photography into my blog without this space becoming just a place for it. I have my dA account for that. Then it hit me; I'll feature one pic every Friday. That way I won't run out of pictures too soon to share and I can give a real backstory on each picture. Mark your calendars kiddies. Every Friday is Photog Friday here and we're going to

Pretty, ain't it? Definitely a personal favourite of mine and was something that really helped me progress in my photography. I took a picture of this flower when at the Royal Botanical Gardens in 2009. Though the name of the flower escapes me (some photographer am I!) it was something I immediately knew I had to snap. Unfortunately, my mother and sister didn't share the sentiment and I was nearly left behind trying to get the shot. In fact, that happens quite a bit when we go anywhere and I have my camera out! :P

Though nature isn't the only theme of my photography it does dominate my gallery on dA since not only is it something easier for me to capture than people but I thoroughly enjoy it. I've met very few people who have inspired me to shoot them (with some exceptions). With nature, there's just something that can make you feel so small and obsolete or make you feel like you're a part of something bigger. 

Moving on from the hippie talk (sorry, I'll blast some death metal to get rid of that taste in my mouth), if you want to check out the rest of my gallery you can click on my username underneath the picture. Of course, that would also be defeating the purpose of Photog Friday...cheaters. Also, if you like photography or indulge in it yourself, please feel free to give me any pointers or leave your opinion. I'm still a novice and always willing to learn/take note!

Ok, enough of all that. Back to the death metal...

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