Monday, 19 September 2011

Adventures I

Everyone has "stories". I'm not talking about those inspirational, Rocky-music, fill-your-heart-full-of-goodness stories. I'm talking about stories where your dignity is chipped away at with each new detail, making the eardrums of your audience explode. The stories you tell with whatever little pride you have left over from the events that make up your stories. The stories you'd never, ever tell your future children or grandchildren unless you wanted to teach them one helluva dire lesson. I, for one, not only love such stories but also have a few of my own. My joy in creating such stories is a dangerous one; ask anyone who's ever hung out with me, drank with me, agreed to "get together", etc. There always seems to be something that happens. It's never a normal outing. It's never "nice" or "innocent". There's always something that has to go down and has to later be shared with others (usually at my expense). I call these stories Adventures and I love them. The way I see it, I'm still young and have a common blood type in case anything does happen to me. Why not live it up a little? We only live once, right? That motto of living has left me with many an Adventure.

This picture was taken during one such adventure. I no longer live in my hometown, which makes meeting up with my friends all the more fun. During my last visit, my friends and I decided to continue our long tradition of going out to karaoke. This is something we do every single time I visit. It's a must. We go to any random pub offering a karaoke night and we dominate. This particular time I made new friends, got together with old friends, and had drinks bought for me. As a result, try to guess which one I am in the picture above.

Needless to say, I got wasted. Not tipsy, not giggly, not happy, not any other term for half-assed drunkeness. I was more drunk than I had been a long time. I had some shots (not sure how many), some triple screwdrivers (not sure how many), some water to ensure I didn't feel the consequences the next day, and an attitude of "We need to live for the now! DRINK MORE! BE LOUD! MAKE MEMORIES!" This is the attitude I get whenever I drink. Some call it "adventurous". A new friend I made, Adam, called it "fun" (kudos to you for recognizing that, Adam). Anyone who's my friend knows the risks involved when drinking with me. That night I got beer goggled like you wouldn't believe towards a man who I thought looked like my ex (who really didn't look like my ex). I verbally tore a new one in a man who only wanted to see me headbang...I thought he was challenging me to a headbanging-off. I danced with strangers while other strangers sang songs I can't remember. I tried to take a bus home when my friend Amanda's "date" (I drunkenly set them up) had driven us to the pub. 

Shown: Class and elegance

I was so wasted I barely even remember going to Zak's Diner afterwards with my friends. Apparently I bought a milkshake and my poor friend, Amanda, had to walk me to the washroom. Mental note: stairs are not a drunk's best friend. However, I have no regrets. As I said before, I firmly believe we only live once. Why not make the most of it while we're here? The very worst we can do is have picture proof on an online blog for our future children to see and learn how not to act how mommy did when she was younger. I'm prepared to be that sort of role model.

Also, a warning; I will probably post in the future about other "stories" and Adventures I have in my back pocket. To any family that reads this, I'm sort of sorry. Sorry you had to see this but at least you now know what to expect if you ever dare have a family reunion!


  1. You forgot to mention the phone call you had in the bathroom that you didn't even remember the next day :P

  2. Well, I didn't even remember it until you mentioned it now :P
